Frocked up
A sampling of Diva Dress Disasters submitted by the cher public.Seen worse disasters? Email La Cieca!
Labels: cher public, diva, no gay friends
Labels: cher public, diva, no gay friends
Labels: cher public
Labels: camp, cher public, drag, fleming, great homosexuals of history
Homosexualität verbergen zu müssen und nicht verbergen zu können, das ist für mich der Schlüssel zu diesem Werk. Denken Sie nur an den Film "Brokeback Mountain" von Ang Lee: kein Schwulenfilm, sondern die Geschichte von zwei Menschen, die gegen ihre Leidenschaft ankämpfen müssen, weil die Gesellschaft sie ihnen nicht erlaubt – zwei Menschen, die ihre Liebe zueinander jahrelang nur in Blicken oder kurzen Berührungen leben dürfen.The interviewer, naturally enough, goes for the followup: "Was hat das mit Tatjana und Onegin zu tun?" As it turns out, Warlikowski's take is pretty much standard queer theory:
Auch Tatjana will gegen die Regeln der Gesellschaft leben – genau wie wie beiden Jungen aus "Brokeback Mountain". In der Briefszene bietet sie Onegin ihre bedingungslose Liebe an, sie will sich das Recht nehmen, ein glückliches Leben führen zu dürfen – in einer Zeit, in der die Frauen, siehe ihre Mutter oder die Njanja, eben nicht glücklich waren und nicht aus Liebe geheiratet haben. Tatjana will genau das . . . . Für mich ist [Onegins] Duellszene mit Lenski fast eine liebesszene. Ist es nicht bemerkenswert, dass Lenski fast nie Olga ansingt, sondern immer nur Onegin? Für mich ist Onegin verliebt in Lenski . . . . So tötet Onegin Lenski in einem verzweifelten Akt der Selbstbehauptung, mit dem er nichts anderes herausschreit als "Ich bin nicht homosexuell!".The Staatsoper's website offers a short video trailer for the production (unfortunately at the moment available only in a skimpy dialup-size stream) and the audio of the opening night will be webcast live beginning at 2:00 PM (via OperaCast).
Labels: cher public, hunkentenor, maury d'annato, met, sirius
resurrects the literary, musical and gay scene of 1950s New York. About half relates to Czgowchwz's 1956 trip across the Atlantic on the Queen Mary with her consort, Jacob Beltane, to Ireland, where she is to star in Pilgrim Soul, a Douglas Sirk–like movie about the Irish revolt of 1916. Much of the rest relates to the Gotham-centered peregrinations of Mawrdew's friend, the gay poet S.D.J. Fitzjames O'Maurigan .... The most stylistically astonishing chapters are intermezzos of conversation caught on the wing at Everard's Bath house, the book's pre-Stonewall place to meet and greet in gay New York.This fall's must-read is now on sale at
Labels: camp, cher public, czgowchwz, diva, great homosexuals of history
Labels: alagna, cher public, chicago, la cieca ci guarda la cieca ci vede, met
Labels: 2007, alex ross, broadcast, camp, chat, cher public, dessay, diva, maury d'annato, met, operachic, sieglinde, sirius, stephen costello
Note that any of you who do not have a current subscription to Sirius can get a trial 3-day pass in time for the Opening Night chat. The event is also broadcast on RealNetworks.
Are any of you cher public attending this Lucia at one of the outdoor simulcasts? If you are, why not bring a laptop along and chat along with the rest of us? It's easy, now that the Lincoln Center plaza has WiFi!
Labels: 2007, bel canto, broadcast, chat, cher public, dessay, information wants to be free, met, sirius
Labels: cher public, nyco
The approach is not, in the abstract, without merit, Beckmesser having always seemed a proto-Jew to Wagner, awaiting modern redemption; the opera’s end comes across as the screed it always seemed.La Cieca leaves it to her cher public to debate whatever ideas might be teased from this morass of weak passive voice; she'll get the ball rolling by asking, "What exactly is a 'proto-Jew' and what qualities of the character of Beckmesser would tend to make him "seem" proto-Jewish?"
Labels: cher public, nyt, wagner
Labels: cher public, podcast, poll
Labels: 2007, cher public, hunkentenor, millo, mp3, scandale, this diva looks like that diva, wagner
Labels: bumbry, cher public, gala, mp3
Labels: cher public, skiing, youtube
Labels: cher public, diva, podcast, quiz
The frisson that Anna Netrebko created at Met recently piqued my interest in the work again- but I find myself dissatisfied with the array of recordings available. Joan I’d have to quickly count out- a lot of the time it sounds like she’s singing the phone book. Not a Bonynge fan either. Ditto La Sills- I just don’t like the timbre of her voice. I own the Caballe/Kraus recording and enjoy it- even without most of the high notes and no trill from Montsy. Despite that she always wins me over and Kraus makes a good fist of Arturo- I don’t understand the negative crits he got for this recording. When are people going to realise that the high D’s and high F were not meant to be sung full voice- I feel sure they were supposed to be sung in head voice- esp as Arturo is at his most miserable when these notes pop up.
Devia is good, albeit a little colourless. Mateuzzi has the high notes- shame everything under a G is flat, flat, flat. Have you heard the Freni/Pav recordings? I’m interested to hear them. I also have the Callas recording- but I can’t BEAR Di Stefano- too much scooping and painful open high notes. Is there a fabulous recording I’ve missed? If only La Scotto had done it- she would have been ideal. (I too am a Scotto worshipper!)
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Labels: bel canto, caballe, callas, cher public, discuss, met
Labels: chat, cher public, gala, met, netrebko, sirius, villazon
Labels: bel canto, broadcast, cher public, diva, met, netrebko, podcast, sirius, villazon
Labels: cher public, met, podcast, quiz
Labels: chat, cher public
Labels: cher public, contest
Labels: 2011, cher public, fleming, gelb, giordani, hvorostovksy, la cieca ci guarda la cieca ci vede, met, verdi
Labels: cher public, contest
Labels: chat, cher public, first emperor
Labels: cher public, met
Labels: cher public, first emperor, youtube
Labels: alagna, cher public, fleming, met
Labels: cher public
Labels: aida, cher public, operachic
Labels: aida, alagna, callas, cher public, fleming, gala, met, youtube
Labels: cher public, gay gay gay gay gay
Labels: cher public, damrau, florez, gay gay gay gay gay, sirius
Labels: blind, cher public, chicago, crespin, diva, met, sirius, voigt
Labels: cher public, fleming
Labels: cher public, mp3
Labels: cher public, gelb, met
Labels: cher public
Labels: cher public, diva, jones, youtube
Labels: cher public, fleming
Labels: cher public, diva, gheorghiu, mp3
Labels: cher public, diva, mp3
Labels: cher public, gala
Labels: cher public, diva, san francisco
Labels: cher public
Labels: cher public, madame vera galupe-borszkh
Labels: blind, cher public, youtube
Labels: cher public, pav, scotto
Labels: blind, cher public, youtube
Labels: cher public
Labels: blind, cher public
Labels: cher public, gala, mp3, podcast
"The hardy baritone Kyle Pfortmiller makes a strapping Maximilian" March 10, 2005
"Mr. Gunn, an intelligent and elegant singer, is so strapping, handsome and hunky [Dude! Trifecta! -- LC] that stage directors search for reasons to get whatever character he is playing to go bare-chested . . . . Surely, a good Idomeneo must convey authority and dignity, and pull off mood swings between defiance and despair. But need he be strapping and sexy?" December 4, 2004
"The strapping, robust-voiced bass-baritone John Relyea" December 4, 2004 [A date that will live in history as "the day of three strappings!" -- LC]
"Figaro, the strapping, robust-voiced bass-baritone David Pittsinger" October 26, 2004
"the strapping young Russian baritone Rodion Pogossov" October 11, 2004
"The baritone Nathan Gunn brought his robust voice and strapping physique to the role of Guglielmo. " August 12, 2004
"the strapping tenor Brandon Jovanovich as Boconnion" August 4, 2004
"a strapping Westphalian youth" May 7, 2004
"tall, strapping and handsome Swedish baritone" April 20, 2004
"A supremely intelligent artist and a strapping stage presence, Mr. Hampson has long been aware, some would say overly so, of his own attractiveness." March 3, 2004
"And the robust bass João Fernandes made a strapping Pluto." February 7, 2004
"The strapping and robust baritone Christopher Schaldenbrand" January 5, 2004
"Schoenberg's Naked Virgins . . . cavort with strapping, scantily clad young men during the orgy scene before the Golden Calf." December 19, 2003
Labels: barihunk, cher public, tommasini
Labels: cher public, gala, podcast